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Showing 1 to 16 of 16 results.

china made headlines for watering down coal reduction targets during cop26 , but we think the criticism is unfair. the nation’s own targets set by president xi jinping last year – for peak emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 – are still ambitious and noteworthy considering ...
Learn about investing in global emerging market equities with fssa im. our gem funds invest in high quality companies that outperform over the long term.
Firstly, regulations are nothing new — it has always been a part of the investment equation. if we look at hong kong or singapore for example, the government would introduce new regulations on the property market from time to time; and in china, the government has introduced a number of n...
Podcast: china, ray of hope and pockets of opportunities
The pandemic has accelerated certain long-term shifts in consumer behaviour, such as using more online orders for everything from clothing to food. the latest battleground appears to be groceries, but the disrupter emerged from a not-so-new technology — wechat groups. china’s online e-comm...
What will 2021 look like for china? 2021 will be a year of recovery. this is not surprising given last year’s economic downturn. if vaccines are being rolled out gradually during the year, we believe the economy will recover, especially those sectors that have been hit hard like travel. ho...
Learn about investing in the world's fastest growing markets with fssa investment managers. we invest in high quality equities that outperform over the long term.
In our last client update, written through the depths of Covid-despair, we observed that real life and the world of markets are seldom so intimately entwined. With markets swinging violently to the downside on a riptide of fear, it was clear even then that activity was being driven by short-term ...
In almost every meeting that we have with management teams, we will ask about incentivisation. In our view, it is an important question and the answer can be highly revealing about an organisation’s culture and behaviour. While it can be easy to be deceived by articulate CEOs talking up a big gam...
Since our last update, global markets have not been short of action and the manic behaviour characterising today’s markets has taken investors on another rollercoaster ride. while not quite comparable to the market movements seen during the dark days of march 2020, the recent correction — especia...
In september 2023, i met more than 30 global listed infrastructure companies and stakeholders from the uk, europe and china. the following travel diary summarises my impressions and findings from these meetings.
In 2020, one group of companies has done particularly well – the popular digital technology companies focused on e-commerce, delivery and entertainment, to name a few industries. In emerging markets, they dominate the Chinese market; but they can also be found in Korea, Southeast Asia, Eastern Eu...
Though Covid hasn’t yet finished with us, the markets have finished with Covid. In real life, there is still plenty of misery to go around, but in our opinion things have seldom been better for investors. Optimism has served us well, as the money-printing presses have rolled to counter the “unpre...
This letter forms the first in a series designed to introduce and explain our approach to sustainability, and the lessons learned so far. We hope that these reflections, drawing on the team’s combined experience, will provide a useful insight.
Global listed infrastructure underperformed in 2023 owing to rising interest rates and a shift away from defensive assets. Relative valuations are now at compelling levels. Infrastructure assets are expected to see earnings growth in 2024 and beyond, aided by structural growth drivers.
We crossed six US states meeting over 70 infrastructure management teams as well as customers and suppliers at three conferences. We visited three corporate head offices, several regulators and toured the country’s largest nuclear power plant.