Diversified Alpha is a core systematic strategy designed to deliver consistent, risk-adjusted returns above the benchmark, with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations embedded into the process.
We build portfolios using a combination of powerful data analysis and expert human oversight, selecting stocks from a universe of more than 2000 companies across developed and emerging markets. These companies are chosen for their ability to deliver outperformance.
Our proprietary process and experienced team identifies alpha insights using data science and a wide range of data sources, from conventional accounting measures through to machine learning and textual analysis. ESG insights are incorporated into the process and can be used as a source of alpha.
Why invest in Diversified Alpha?
Core exposure to Australian and global markets with a focus on consistent outperformance
ESG embedded into process and portfolio
Based on a systematic investment process run by experienced portfolio managers
Combines powerful data analysis with expert human insight
Ability to customise risk profile and ESG parameters to meet client needs
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