RQI Investors’ quantitative value strategies have a long history of outperformance versus peers and value indices.
Our disciplined, highly active, and repeatable value investing process provides investors with a benchmark unaware, diversified equity portfolio that is cost competitive versus fundamental active stock pickers.
An important part of our value approach is reducing exposure to value traps and companies that may be cheap for a good reason. ESG signals and carbon reduction are also part of the strategy.
How are our Quantitative Value portfolios constructed?
Why invest with us?
RQI Investors is a global active quantitative equity manager with a track record of over 15 years across Australian, Global and Emerging Markets equities with strong performance versus value peers and indices.
Our value approach provides investors with a diversified equity portfolio that is contrarian by nature.
We are a highly active but cost competitive option to stock pickers.
As much as possible we take the emotion out of investing by applying investment rigor that integrates economic insights and data science to construct benchmark unaware and value-tilted portfolios.
An important part of our value approach is reducing exposure to value traps whilst incorporating ESG signals and carbon reduction.
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