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We are a small team of passionate investors managing, on behalf of our clients, investment funds with a focus on high-quality companies that are well positioned to contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development.
We have held the view that stock markets are due a correction for some time now. Overly inflated equity valuations, high corporate debt levels, profit margins expanding without any sales growth for a decade – to us, these were just a few of the signs that something needed to change.
We recently asked for your questions with regards to our Worldwide Sustainability Strategy, thank you for your input.We are pleased to share with you the recorded webcast, (below) with Nick Edgerton and Rob Harley, which addresses some of your questions.
Sustainability issues - climate change, global food shortages, water shortages, and poverty, as well as safety, management and governance scandals - are now daily news headlines. Sustainability is relevant to making any allocation of capital.
While the current norm is to assume that pursuing renewable energy is the most effect measure against climate change, there may be more to the story.
When it comes to the optimal team size for investment management, sometimes less is more.
In 2019, we commissioned a research project with the University of Technology (UTS) in Sydney to compile a set of recruitment and retention policies that have been implemented across geographies, industries, and organisations and can be tied to tangible improvements in diversity outcomes.
In July 2018, the Stewart Investors Sustainable Funds Group, in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney, hosted an interactive forum in Mumbai with some of the largest local and multi-national consumer goods companies in India.
Political turmoil, currency fluctuations, and poor governance are common themes amongst headlines about emerging markets investing. It is in the context of these hazards that, in our decades of allocating clients’ capital in this universe of companies, we have looked to find high-quality family owners who act as stewards of businesses over generations, protecting and growing sound franchises that thrive despite the uncertainties that surround them.
Investors are underestimating Unilever’s sustainability success story. Responsible capitalism model has delivered for investors and society
Millions of people in the developing world are just one broken rickshaw or bad harvest away from the breadline. These are the people that need insurance the most – but they often struggle to get it. In the Sustainable Funds Group at the Stewart Investors team within First Sentier Investors, we’ve been leading an industry initiative to engage with major insurers with the goal of making coverage widely available to people on low incomes. We believe that this is an opportunity for these firms to build their customer base and generate profit both in the short and long term, and meaningfully contribute to the wellbeing of the societies in which they do business.
In 1946 George Orwell wrote an essay titled ‘Politics and the English Language’.
COVID-19: implications for performance and portfolio positioning
The emerging markets asset class is extremely varied. It includes democracies and dictatorships, economies reliant on manufacturing and those that export commodities, and – most importantly – some of the very best companies in the world alongside some of the very worst. If the last ten years investing in emerging markets has taught us anything it is that in the long run, quality wins.
The Return and Earn scheme being introduced in NSW introduces an interesting discussion on the validity of a circular versus linear economy and the trade-off between sustainability and investment returns.
COVID-19 is the latest in a long line of shocks to hit Asian markets and economies. Given how benign Asian markets have been over recent years, it’s easy to forget just how frequently Asian markets have dropped precipitously over the longer sweep of time.
Over the last decade, the role and prominence of technology companies in emerging markets has increased markedly. Emerging markets economies have proven themselves capable of producing truly world-leading tech firms. And as smartphone penetration has surged, the positive impact of technology on daily life in emerging markets has been very significant. At one point in the past, ‘technology’ in emerging markets meant hardware assembly in Taiwanese factories and the outsourcing of repetitive data entry to India. It was a paradigm based mostly on wage arbitrage, in which technology leadership sat firmly in developed markets. That world has been turned on its head.
While the industrialisation of farming has brought a multitude of benefits, it is also contributing to an array of unintended negative consequences, particularly for the environment.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been broadly embraced by financial institutions. This is a positive move, and timely too. The 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer indicates that the finance industry remains the least trusted business sector and is often, quite rightly, blamed for failing to address the great social and environmental challenges of our time.
How do we narrow down a universe of 15,000 Asian and Emerging Markets companies to a portfolio of approximately 50? Now that we invest globally, the challenge has become even starker.
Podcast: Coronavirus - Asian markets corrections and resilience
At Stewart Investors we aim to invest in quality companies trading at reasonable valuations. We believe that good stewardship is a key characteristic of a quality company.
In a recent essay, Santa Fe economist Brian Arthur challenges economists to describe the world in more than algebraic terms. He believes they should extend their vocabulary (and minds) to include verbs, alongside their highly prized nouns, to allow the underlying processes, context and organic nature of complex systems to be described in full technicolour.
Emerging markets are usually seen as a risky asset class. Recent headlines of protests, currency devaluations and governance blow-ups have done little to dispel these impressions.
Leading global investment manager, First Sentier Investors (FSI), today announced the outcome of a review of its existing investment capabilities against its strategy.
First Sentier Investors today announced unit holders have voted in favour of a change in responsible entity (RE) for a number of funds from Colonial First State to The Trust Company.
Recent forest fires across Malaysia and Indonesia cast a haze over many parts of Southeast Asia. Driving these fires was the production of palm oil, one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world.
We consider the tax rates paid by companies that we might invest in on behalf of our clients important because it impacts our assessment of Quality of Management, Franchise and Financials.
From report writing and gathering information to the more technical side of pattern recognition and natural language processing, David Walsh, Head of Investment at RQI Investors recently joined Ausbiz to highlight how AI will affect wealth and investment management.
First Sentier Investors, a leading global investment manager is pleased to announce the appointment of Adele Swan as the new Chief People and Culture Officer, effective 24 June. Ms Swan is based in Edinburgh, reporting to the CEO, Mark Steinberg.
This article focuses on three of the PAIs related to Biodiversity Areas, Emissions to Water, and Hazardous and Radioactive Waste. Each PAI provides details about the measures, some of the challenges related to them, and how investors may use the information they provide.
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) for the European Union Mandates the disclosure of the Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) that investment decisions have on sustainability factors.
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requires asset managers to report on up to 20 Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) indicators. PAIs are the negative impacts caused by a firm or an asset on the environment and society.
First Sentier Investors, a leading global investment manager, today announces that it is setting its first nature targets as a Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Adopter, in the lead up to the inaugural Global Nature Positive Summit hosted in Sydney this week.
Leading global investment manager, First Sentier Investors, today announced the completion of its corporate rebrand from First State Investments to First Sentier Investors in all markets ex Australia, effective today. In Australia, the firm has operated as First Sentier Investors since September 2019, where it was earlier known as Colonial First State Global Asset Management.
Paying a fair rate of corporate tax is an important contribution that companies make to society. If companies are proactively seeking to minimize their tax payments, this should be seen as a red flag. Economists at the International Monetary Fund estimate that global corporate tax avoidance costs governments between US$500 and US$600bn every year.1 This includes $200bn in revenues being channelled away from low-income economies, which is more than these countries receive in foreign aid each year.2 These vital resources could be spent on improving education, health and social services, as well as supporting sustainable development and contributing to a fairer and more equal society.
People are are at the heart of our success as a leading global asset manager
An exploration of the obligations and capacity of the Funds Management industry to fulfil social purposes.
Global investment manager, First Sentier Investors, today announced changes to its investment capabilities within Australia.
Podcast: China, ray of hope and pockets of opportunities
2024 was a year marked by global inflation and economic growth concerns against a backdrop of worldwide elections. As we head into 2025, volatility will remain an enduring constant.
First Sentier Investors is pleased to announce two key leadership appointments, effective 1 January 2025. Harry Moore is appointed to the newly created role of Chief Commercial Officer; and Lauren Prendiville is appointed as the new Global Head of Distribution and Marketing.
As bottom-up investors, the FSSA team carry out well over 1,500 meetings each year to assess company managements’ capabilities and the underlying strength of the franchises they run. These Monthly Manager Views are based on the team’s discussions with company management and the in-depth analysis that follows.
This letter forms the first in a series designed to introduce and explain our approach to sustainability, and the lessons learned so far. We hope that these reflections, drawing on the team’s combined experience, will provide a useful insight.
We believe financial markets, critical to society’s ability to function, are under threat. For too long, it has been widely accepted that short-term performance, growth, risks and financial returns should be maximised at the expense of environmental and social outcomes.
Mon 29 Nov 2021: David Allen has been appointed to the role of Global Head of Investment Management. David brings with him over 20 years of global asset management experience where he specialised in building investment businesses and leading investment teams.
As long-term investors, we know that the investment decisions we make today affect communities in the future. Investment decisions can have implications for the environment and a very tangible human impact. We believe that engaging with companies on issues such as climate change, diversity, modern slavery and biodiversity has the power to change people’s quality of life all over the world.
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