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Asia is projected to become the oldest region in the world – by the 2030s, it will be home to around 60% of the world’s elderly. Jamie Grant, Head of Emerging Markets Debt and Asian Fixed Income at CFSGAM, explains why these demographic shifts are expected to have a significant impact on demand for Asia’s fixed income markets over the next decade.
Learn about investing in fixed income today. First Sentier Investors' on-the-ground teams share investment ideas uncovered in developed and emerging markets.
Developments associated with coronavirus have dominated attention and affected sentiment towards financial markets worldwide. In this update, Jamie Grant, Head of Emerging Markets and Asian Fixed Income, explains why the disease has attracted so much attention and outlines some of the changes that have been made to First State Investments’ Asian Fixed Income portfolios as a result.
Access a global opportunity set with the on-the-ground research and skill of specialist emerging markets investors.
People are are at the heart of our success as a leading global asset manager
We are entering a new era. The year 2024 will be unpredictable and clouded by many uncertainties. It will be marked by geopolitical risks, the ongoing taming of the inflation beast, and how the US Presidential election will impact markets.
They say a rising tide lifts all boats. This certainly appeared to be the case for emerging market debt in 2019. Central banks around the world offered a little help, providing the liquidity and easy monetary conditions required to boost sentiment and support valuations. Jamie Grant, Head of Emerging Market and Asia Fixed Income, considers whether there’s room for further upside in the asset class in 2020.
First Sentier Investors are the world-leading provider of specialist investment capabilities. Discover how we provide research-led active investment management.
Government fiscal and debt metrics are strong but pro-growth fiscal policy risks deterioration. At the point they are forced into using fiscal buffers, the market will have repriced the risk sharply.
We recently spent several weeks in the US visiting listed infrastructure management teams, regulators, politicians, industry associations and conducting asset tours. The following paper provides an overview of our findings.