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* This is an annualised interest rate from the past seven days. For actual performance for our Cash Funds, please view the performance page.
Strategy Overview
Key Facts
Performance returns are calculated net of management fees and transaction costs. Performance returns for periods greater than one year are annualised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
We actively target Australia’s growth engine – high quality growing companies listed on the ASX – to create portfolios with potential to outperform the market.
Our Australian Equities Growth team believe Australia punches above its weight when it comes to generating current and future global leaders across an increasingly diverse range of industries. We actively select high quality growing companies that we think have the greatest potential to compound growth through market cycles.
Fund in focus
First Sentier Geared Australian Share Fund
Low-cost access to one of Australia’s largest and longest-running geared share strategies
Borrowing at low institutional rates to invest, we aim to compound the long-term growth of rising markets by actively gearing a selection of high-quality growing companies across the ASX 100.
As the strategy borrows to invest, there is potential for significant losses in falling markets. The strategy was launched in 1997. The First Sentier Geared Australian Share Fund was created in 2023.
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Meet the investment team
Dushko Bajic
David Wilson
Christian Guerra
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