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* This is an annualised interest rate from the past seven days. For actual performance for our Cash Funds, please view the performance page.
Strategy Overview
Key Facts
Performance returns are calculated gross of management fees and net of transaction costs. Performance returns for periods greater than one year are annualised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Purpose built for gearing
Selecting quality stocks based on their suitability for leverage, we favour essential characteristics like strong balance sheets, ability to grow cash flows through varying market environments and liquidity. The actively managed portfolio is steered by a team skilled at gearing through rapidly rising and falling markets.
Borrowing at low institutional rates to invest, First Sentier Investors aims to compound the long-term growth of rising markets by actively gearing a selection of high-quality growing companies across the ASX 100.
Portfolio Manager David Wilson explores how the fund works.
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Australian Equities Growth
Our distinct blend of growth and quality has delivered outperformance through market cycles
Dedicated to uncovering Australian companies that are growing revenue and earnings strongly over time, we know what drives superior returns over the long term – rigorous stock research and understanding industry dynamics.
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