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Australian Equities Growth

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Strategy Overview

Key Facts

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* The unit price for the Fund will be delayed temporarily given a special distribution is in progress.
* This is an annualised interest rate from the past seven days. For actual performance for our Cash Funds, please view the performance page.


Performance returns are calculated gross of management fees and net of transaction costs. Performance returns for periods greater than one year are annualised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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Our distinct blend of growth and quality has delivered outperformance through market cycles

Successfully uncovering Australian companies that are growing revenue and earnings strongly over time enables us to outperform during rising markets. Our added focus on quality companies that generate superior returns on capital and are improving their management of ESG risks also gives our portfolios additional ballast during falling markets.

Why invest in Australian Equities Growth?

The combination of growth and quality characteristics targeted in our portfolios are designed to outperform across market segments and cycles and give us the confidence that it will continue to drive long-term returns.

  • We have one of the largest, most experienced teams in Australia actively covering a broad universe of 300 Australian stocks. Having a well-resourced and experienced team means we can undertake in-depth industry research to identify attractive investments.

  • We apply a fundamental, bottom-up framework to assess our universe and identify growing companies that generate consistent returns and can reinvest above their cost of capital. We believe this focus on earnings growth and high return on invested capital will provide the best investment returns over the long run.

  • Our research effort seeks to identify key industry and company profitability drivers and incorporate these into our stock analysis, modelling and valuations.

  • Our portfolio construction also takes into account broad macroeconomic, environmental, social and governance (ESG) and other quantitative risk factors when constructing an active portfolio.

What are the risks?

Although all investments carry risk, the level of risk is dependent on the type of investment strategy and the underlying investments. Generally, the higher the potential return of an investment, the greater the risk.

The risks of investing in the Australian Equities Growth strategies include:

Company risk

Investment in equities is exposed to risks due to changes in that company or its business environment.

Equities risk

Equity securities are subject to changes in value, and their values may be more volatile than those of other asset classes.

Gearing risk

Some of the Australian Equities Growth strategies utilise gearing, which involves borrowing additional capital from a lender(s) to increase the amount the fund can invest. Whilst this can result in larger investment gains in a rising market, it is also likely to magnify losses in a falling market.

As with any investment, there are no guarantees on the value of the investment or the income generated from it. Investors may get back less than the original amount invested. For a full description of the terms of investment and the risks, please see the Product Disclosure Statement for each fund.

Explore our strategies

We provide exposure to growing companies - including those in emerging industries that other managers are often unable or unwilling to devote resources to exploring.

Our open-minded and investigative approach identifies companies that we believe can consistently grow sales, cash flows and earnings over time. We have the experience and dedication to analyse under-researched stocks outside the ASX 100, without taking short cuts.

Australian Share Strategy

Invests in broad range of companies aiming to generate both growing and high quality earnings. Together with a valuation discipline, this blend of growth and quality enables this strategy to generate outperformance through the cycle for investors.

Imputation Strategy

Specifically targets quality growth companies paying higher franking credits to deliver enhanced after tax income. Focuses on growing companies that can reinvest earnings at high returns on capital and pay higher franked dividends, delivering strong, sustainable, franked dividend growth.

Concentrated Australian Share Strategy

Invests in the highest conviction quality growth stocks that we believe will generate superior returns for our investors over time. That conviction is enhanced through our dedication to a comprehensive company visitation and engagement program, which also supports our assessment of ESG risks.

Geared Share Strategy

Borrows from a broad range of quality institutions, at attractive rates of interest, to magnify an investor’s long-term returns from capital growth and franking credits. We are also mindful of the strategy’s potential to magnify market losses over the short term and manage portfolio and liquidity risks accordingly.

Ex-20 Australian Share Strategy

Diversifies away from large financials and resources stocks dominating the 'top' 20; and extends down to smaller, under-researched stocks outside the ASX 100.

Explore how we invest in Australian shares

Case study

Why we blend growth and quality

Through our investment process, we blend the characteristics of companies with strong sales/cash flow/profit growth and earnings quality. Along with our preference for quality management running companies with lower environmental, social and governance risks, our  Australian equities portfolios tend to generate outperformance through the cycle for our investors.

Our exposure to growing companies in strong industries, such as Australia’s technology sector, tend to result in attractive growth attributes that see our portfolios typically grow faster when the broader market is rising. Looking across the months that the market has risen in any three-year period since its inception in January 1994, our Australian Shares Fund has risen faster than the market in over 55% of those three-year periods (rolling monthly).

Combined with the defensive characteristics of our quality focus discussed in the prior section, the Australian Share Fund has:

•   risen 1.7%pa faster (net of fees) than the market during all the up months of the S&P/ASX 300 since January 1994: and

•   fallen more slowly than the market by a similar 1.7%pa (net of fees) during all the down months over the same period.

Our blend of growth and quality consistently generates value across market cycles

Source: Upside and downside market returns since the inception of the Wholesale Australian Share Fund in January 1994 calculated by First Sentier Investors using consistent methodology adopted by eVestment. Value added is relative to the S&P/ASX 300, which is the benchmark for the Wholesale Australian Share Fund strategy. The S&P/ASX 300 Index was launched on 3 April 2000. Index performance data before 3 April 2000 is a synthetic benchmark sourced from a variety of providers maintained in the First Sentier Investors performance database. It is provided purely for information and should not either be considered as fully replicating ASX 300 constituents, or relied on for the purpose of investment analysis outside of the context of this material.

Our risk management and strong valuation discipline also ensure that we retain a balanced exposure to growth and quality attributes over time. Our investors then continue to benefit over the longer term from this balanced approach that adds value evenly across up and down markets.

The advantage of blending growth and quality


Source: Upside and downside market returns since the inception of the Wholesale Australian Share Fund in January 1994 calculated by First Sentier Investors using consistent methodology adopted by eVestment. Value added is relative to the S&P/ASX 300, which is the benchmark for the Wholesale Australian Share Fund strategy. The S&P/ASX 300 Index was launched on 3 April 2000. Index performance data before 3 April 2000 is a synthetic benchmark sourced from a variety of providers maintained in the First Sentier Investors performance database. It is provided purely for information and should not either be considered as fully replicating ASX 300 constituents, or relied on for the purpose of investment analysis outside of the context of this material.

Case study

James Hardie in the spotlight

In the following video, the Australian Equity Growth team’s Head of Research, Christian Guerra, provides insight into James Hardie’s 2022 Investor day.  Guerra discusses some of the stock’s key short and medium term growth drivers.

Questions about investing in Australian Equities Growth

What are stock market sectors?

The 2,000+ companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange can be divided into categories defined by the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). There are 11 sectors in the first level of the GICS hierarchy, these are; Communication Services, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Utilities and Real Estate. Each company is assigned to the GICS sector that best defines its business. 

What is an investment style?

Like the GICS sectors, companies can be categorised into different 'style' buckets using a variety of metrics, such as earnings growth, price-to-earnings multiple and dividend yield.

Investors may include a style bias in their security selection process, choosing companies with particular qualities they believe will prove more attractive over time. Major investment styles include growth, value, quality, momentum and income.

What is a growth investment style?

In short, growth investors focus on capital appreciation and attempt to identify companies that will grow their earnings over time and at a faster rate than their peers or the overall economy.

Growth companies typically have a differentiated product or service that can disrupt their respective industry. These companies generally exhibit high returns on capital that is above their cost of capital. This fosters a preference to reinvest firm earnings into additional growth opportunities, rather than pay dividends to shareholders, which in turn drives share price appreciation. 

How do you identify growth companies?

We employ a fundamental, bottom-up analytical framework to assess the investment universe. To identify growth companies, we seek to determine which companies are currently earning a higher return on invested capital (ROIC) than the industry median or, if they are under-earning, have the potential to increase their ROIC.

We believe that industry dynamics are one of the major determinants of company profitability and ROIC. Through in-depth stock research and hands-on engagement, we seek to identify a company’s competitive position within their industry with respect to cost leadership, product differentiation, and qualitative analysis of company specific factors, such as management and strategy.

This industry analysis enables us to understand how a company is able to generate returns on investment capital above their industry median and if it is sustainable.

Responsible investment

We believe that ESG issues have the potential to materially impact company earnings and valuations. As fundamental investors, we seek to identify material financial and non-financial ESG issues and incorporate these into our stock analysis and research. When relevant, the team incorporates ESG issues into financial models and analyst stock ratings.

The team believes that ownership and engaging with company management and boards for change is more effective than exclusions. Team members regularly meet with companies to discuss their approach to ESG issues, including climate change, companies’ relationships with traditional owners, modern slavery, and governance, depending on the relevance of the issue to the company.

Learn more about the Australian Equity Growth team's approach to responsible investment

Meet the investment team

Dushko Bajic

Head of Australian Equities Growth

David Wilson

Deputy Head of Australian Equities Growth

Christian Guerra

Head of Research

Meet Dushko

Dushko Bajic takes us for a run through the factors that help him uncover growth opportunities across Australia.

With one of Australia’s largest and most experienced investment teams, we analyse and uncover Australian companies that are growing strongly and generating superior returns on invested capital.

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