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formerly Realindex Investments

Leader in active quantitative equities across Australian equities, global equities, emerging markets and global small companies.

Backed by a unique blend of research, portfolio construction and risk management, focused on uncovering original insights and translating them into investment strategies that are active and systematic, aiming to generate alpha.

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At Stewart Investors, we believe in putting people first. Our investment world-view is of a series of partnerships – with each other, with our clients, with the companies we invest in, the people who buy their goods and services, and with the wider society in which we all live and work.

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Property and infrastructure for a sustainable future

Property and infrastructure companies are the essential components that underpin our societies. They are the utilities that power our electric grids, they are the offices and homes we live and work in, the logistics centres we utilise, and the tollroads, railroads and airports we move around with. We invest in these companies for the long-term; we invest with future generations in mind. We aim to steer companies in the right direction because we believe it leads to better investment outcomes. It also says a lot about who we are as investors and the world we are shaping for the future.

Global listed infrastructure –
A safe harbour for investors?

Infrastructure describes the physical assets that provide basic services to modern society, including utilities, transport and communication assets. The fundamental, essential nature of the services provided gives global listed infrastructure qualities that can be beneficial to an investment portfolio.


The EV revolution to drive our energy future

Electric vehicles are coming. The buildout of charging infrastructure to support EV demand, along with higher electricity “load”, will lead to significant investment opportunities for utilities.

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Getting active on the ESG front

Investing in infrastructure is a huge responsibility. Watch FSI’s Listed Infrastructure team, led by Peter Meany, explain how we may influence companies for better long-term outcomes and investment returns.

  • Content duration: 5 Mins
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Global property opportunities are built on solid ESG foundations

Our portfolio net zero overlay intention has further deepened our understanding of the global property securities sector we invest in. Our in-depth research means we see things differently.

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Chasing the future: How energy is evolving

The world has made immense progress towards decarbonisation and renewable energy production, but for many companies and sectors in property and infrastructure, the journey has just begun.

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Not all industries are created equal

Rail and waste companies have recently been able to demonstrate their strong pricing power, meaning price increases within these industries are somewhat easy to push through to match and exceed rising inflation.

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Inflation hedge

Infrastructure companies are considered as an inflation hedge based on their ability to increase prices in line with or exceeding their cost inflation without destroying demand.

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Stagflation: around the corner?

While some believe current inflation increases might be transitory, a scenario of higher for longer inflation could result in a more structural inflationary environment.

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The mainstreaming of net zero

Making a net zero commitment, we believe, is the norm now, particularly for infrastructure companies that account for the largest producers and consumers of energy.

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Japan’s larger landlord-developers

Mitsubishi Estate and Mitsui Fudosan, both listed companies actively engaged in development and as landlords, are examples of companies globally finding new pathways to carbon emissions reduction.

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'Rentability’ and the lure of energy-focused landlords

As more carbon emission regulation comes in globally – as we expect it will – Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) with emission reduction plans are likely to be better-placed than their peers as the cost of carbon increases.

US resi 2.0: The expanding renter opportunity

As the renter market in the United States continues to grow, so does the opportunity for investors in a certain type of Real Estate Investment Trust.

The EV revolution to drive our energy future

Electric vehicles are coming. The buildout of charging infrastructure needed to support EV demand, along with higher electricity “load”, will lead to significant investment opportunities for utilities.

Download the paper EV Charging Ahead.

Power to price: Inflation, infrastructure and the social license to operate

Pricing power is now a major consideration with inflation on the rise. Equal consideration needs to be given to the social license of companies to raise prices in line with community expectations. 

Why the ‘E’ should matter to property investors

While the decarbonisation efforts of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have advanced well in the last five years, it’s what happens next that could be most meaningful for investors.

Three decades, zero emissions: The future of decarbonisation

The redeployment of capital by utilities companies to fund renewable energy projects and improve resilience in the electricity grid represents a substantial multi-decade opportunity for investors. 

Tokyo towers: The secrets of Japan’s net zero leaders

Investors with an ESG focus can take a lot from leading and technologically resourceful real estate companies in the world’s largest office market as they move quickly on their renewable energy targets.

Property sector yet to face its emissions reckoning

The full scope of the real estate securities sector’s contribution to global carbon emissions has not been fully quantified, which could potentially impact the valuation of listed companies not moving towards emissions measurement and disclosure from modernisation programmes.

Curious to learn more about opportunities in global listed infrastructure?

Curious to learn more about opportunities in global property?

Curious what’s ahead?

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