Learn more the about the four pillars: Exclusions, Risk controls, Alphas and Stewardship
1. Exclusions
Standard FSI exclusions*:
- Tobacco production and cigarette manufacturing**
- Controversial Weapons^
- Global Sanctions^^
Other potential exclusions that can be tailored to clients (note these are examples only):
- Coal: Exclude where thermal coal mining/extraction >10% revenue, or >10% of power generation capacity
- Oil Sands: Exclude where oil sands >10% of oil and gas mining/extraction
- UN Global Compact Violators#
2. Risk controls
Tailored potential carbon reductions or other ESG risk penalties
3. Alphas
Driven by economic and fundamental insight along E, S and G dimensions.
Integrated insights forming part of our diversified alpha model:
- Level and change in Carbon Efficiency
- Multiple dimensions of Governance
- Reputational and Litigation Incidents
- Board and Team Diversity
4. Stewardship
- Collaborate with FSI active teams on proxy voting and ESG issues
- Participate in firm-wide sustainability committee designed to share and develop best practise on ESG integration
- Direct and collaborative engagement with other FSI teams and external collective initiatives
- Participate in Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking (IAST) APAC, Climate Action 100+, 40:40 Vision
Please note these features are examples only. The client can customise the portfolio as they wish.
* Companies in scope for exclusion are entities that derive revenue directly from the activity, or that own more than 50% interest in entities (not including joint ventures) that derive revenue directly from the manufacture of cigarettes and other tobacco products (not including e-cigarettes and vaping), and the manufacture of certain types of controversial weapons. Where available, revenue derived from a specific activity is based on company-reported revenue within the financial statement. Where not available, revenue is derived from the company’s segment reporting or based on an analyst’s assessment.
** 0% revenue threshold.
^ 0% revenue threshold where CWS is defined as anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, white phosphorus, biological and chemical weapons and certain types of nuclear weapons.
^^ Where companies are flagged under UN, US, EU or Australian sanctions
# Companies deemed non-compliant with global standards per our data vendors.
ESG research
ESG research has been, and continues to be, a strategic initiative for RQI Investors. We have an extensive database of ESG data and metrics licensed from third parties which we use in our research and in some cases as part of our investment process, or customised client solutions.
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